Refugee Political Participation (RPP)

Refugee Political Participation (RPP) is a project funded by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie programme of the European Union. RPP will study the political participation of refugees through cross-cutting research. The project combines political science, law, and data science to understand how refugees can and could be included and empowered in the refugee regime as it is transformed by the digital revolution.

Project period: 1 September 2022 to 31 August 2024.

If the 82 million displaced people across the world formed a country, it would be the 20th biggest in the world. But they are not a country. Over and above shared experiences of poverty, destitution, insecurity, and violence, refugees experience collective exclusion from political community and the rights of citizenship. The RPP project’s overall aim is study the political participation of refugees, bridging work in political science, critical legal studies, and socio-legal studies. This project will bring together Will Jones, a political scientist who has conducted pathbreaking work on algorithmic decision-making and digital identity in the refugee regime, with Thomas Gammeltoft-Hansen, Director of the interdisciplinary Nordic Asylum Law and Data Lab at the University of Copenhagen. This ambitious project innovatively combines political science, law, and data science to understand how refugees can and could be included and empowered in the refugee regime as it is transformed by the digital revolution.

























University of Copenhagen

Name Title Image
Gammeltoft-Hansen, Thomas Professor with special responsibilities
Billede af Gammeltoft-Hansen, Thomas
Jones, William Bernard Associate Professor Billede af Jones, William Bernard


The RPP project is funded by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie programme of the European Union.

Individual Fellowships
European Commission

The total grant amount is DKK 2,999,526. The project period runs from 1 September 2022 to 31 August 2024.


Thomas Gammeltoft-HansenProfessor
Thomas Gammeltoft-Hansen

South Campus,
Building: 6B.4.40
DK-2300 Copenhagen S
Phone: +45 50 20 34 00